Gavin Scott | 2018 September
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Gavin Scott presents Episode 2 – John Donne’s “Song”

The second in a series of podcasts presenting my favourite pieces of English literature, this time "Song" by John Donne. [audio mp3=""][/audio] [powerpress channel="podcast"] ...

The reviews continue to come in for #AgeofExodus!

I read this with great pleasure when I was giving a speech about #AgeofExodus to a group of investment experts in Ventura. Here's a five star review on I read this book in virtually one sitting. ByMiss A Telfert on 24 September 2018 Format: Paperback Verified Purchase And then came an amazingly thorough analysis by one of Amazon's top reviewers. A fascinating tale, combining a fun archaeological mystery with a political thriller By Kate TOP 500 REVIEWER "The Age of Exodus is the third novel in Gavin Scott’s Duncan Forrester trilogy, set during the aftermath of World War Two. I haven’t read...

The Age of Exodus is launched!

A huge thank you to everyone who was able to come to the launch of #AgeofExodus at Chaucer's Books in Santa Barbara and Book Soup in Los Angeles - and to all those who wanted to come, couldn't make it, but have promised to buy and review the book on Amazon! Two wonderful evenings with extraordinary numbers of wonderful people. ...

Paul McCartney joins in!

I just found out Paul McCartney (and some other splendid people) are following me on Twitter. My bucket list is now complete. Thank you @PaulMcCartney. And for all the music....

Duncan Forrester speaks!

I know this picture is SLIGHTLY outdated (circa 1978, when I was reporting for BBC Radio 4's World at One and PM programmes) but I didn't take any snaps when I was recording the Audiobook version of #AgeofExodus, and I wanted to celebrate the fact that it's now UP ON AMAZON via Audible. In fact, should the enthusiasm arise, you can now hear me reading ALL THREE DUNCAN FORRESTER MYSTERIES. Happy listening! ...

Seen in a Bookshop window …

I can't tell you how gratifying it is when pals see my new Duncan Forrester mystery (#AgeofExodus) on display in a public place. In this case, thanks to the sharp eyes of Kiwi/Cornish culture-guru Peter Huck, who just happened to be passing ultra-trendy Book Soup on Sunset Boulevard, and spotted it right next to Tom Hanks and 99 Stories about God! Thank you, Peter....

Talking to Rashida Jones

On Sunday night I'm taking a break from promoting #AgeofExodus to interview Rashida Jones for BAFTA LA about the splendid film she made celebrating her amazing father, Quincy....

Paul McCartney: Egypt Station

 I've just been listening with great pleasure to the new Paul McCartney album, Egypt Station, which among other delights has a great concertina-style cover. Amazing how rarely the CD format is really effectively used for terrific artwork - but this totally qualifies. ...

The Amazing Paco Pommett

I just discovered an amazing contemporary Spanish surrealist called Paco Pommet at the Richard Heller Gallery at Bergamot Station in Santa Monica. His paintings are on show till October 20th. And are well worth checking out....

Paul McCartney’s Step-Mum interviews me!

I've just had a blast being interviewed about #AgeofExodus by Angie McCartney and her daughter Ruth from their secret studio in Playa del Rey. They were great andYou can see the results here.