Gavin Scott | 2022 May
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The New Party Night

According to The Times, WFH has made Wednesday evenings the new party night. "Wednesday is the new Thursday, and Thursday the new Friday, say bar owners." But my question is - What about Monday? Can it become the new Sunday? This is going to get difficult. #WFH ...

Absolutely Anything streams on Amazon Prime

  Absolutely Anything, the movie I wrote with Terry Jones of Monty Python, is now available free on Amazon Prime. Check it out if you like Simon Pegg, Kate Beckinsale, Eddie Izzard, Joanna Lumley, Rob Riggle, Sanjeev Bhaskar and Pythons in alien suits. Oh, yes, and Robin Williams as the cute dog. #montypythons #simonpegg #katebeckinsale #robriggle @Sanjeev Bhaksar #eddie izzard #joannalumley #robinwilliams...

Word Art at the Bergamot Center

Just We went to an excellent open day at the Bergamot Centre, a bunch of galleries in an old Santa Monica freight station, where we discovered James Griffith, who combines words and images that delight the eye and brain simultaneously. Hats off, Mr Griffith.#jamesgriffith #modernart...