Gavin Scott | The New Duncan Forrester
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21 Feb The New Duncan Forrester

I’m pleased to announce that in two months’ time Titan Books will be publishing the sequel to last year’s Duncan Forrester novel, The Age of Treachery. This one is called The Age of Olympus and it’s set in Greece in 1946. Forrester has gone back there to retrieve the mysterious Minoan stele he came across in a cave in the Gorge of Acharius during the war, and finds himself in the run-up to the Greek civil war. A famous poet is murdered, a heroic general is implicated, and Forrester and Countess Sophie Laurvig-Arnfeldt come up against a crazed German archeologist and a murderer even more devious than Forrester’s last foe. Real life characters include the novelist Lawrence Durrell, the cartoonist and wit Osbert Lancaster and the dashing war hero Patrick Leigh Fermor; the setting range from the lanes below the Acropolis in Athens to the mountains of Crete and a magical Aegean Island called Hydros, haunted by ancient gods and legendary Crusaders. Stay tuned for more news!

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